Social Media & GodTools

Mrs. Eunice Nartey is Director of Digital Strategies at the Great Commission Movement of Ghana. She has extensive experience in raising teams, organizing digital events and facilitating trainings on various aspects of digital strategies for effective Christ-like disciple making. As Director, she has led the establishment of seven teams who are responsible for equipping the body of Christ in using digital tools for effective evangelism and discipleship in seven major cities in Ghana.

Mrs. Nartey is a member of the Africa Digital Strategies Resource Network – a network of leaders who provide resources to equip and support the work of digital strategies leaders across Africa. She is also the leader of the Indigitous Network in Ghana and a member of the National Leadership Team of the Great Commission Movement of Ghana.

Mrs. Eunice Nartey is Technology Transfer Officer at the University of Cape Coast. She applies her expertise in intellectual property to train university faculty and staff on intellectual property issues and manages the intellectual property assets of the University. She is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) International Network for Intellectual Property Education (WINIPE) and the Ghana Intellectual Property Network.

She is a child of God, wife of Dr. Michael Nii Nartey Nartey and mother of two wonderful girls. Mrs. Nartey has a passion for connecting people to Jesus Christ using digital strategies and helping the youth safely navigate the digital space.
